Chapter 3
An apple tree is more than a tree. It bears fruit, holds honey, provides shade for other
flowers to grow and even provides a setting for song and celebration. Good metaphor! The diversity of the planet in all its
beauty and wonder means that one size (church outreach) cannot fit all. Ok. Jesus was born in a particular time and place and thus
community and everywhere he went as well as the disciples who came after him developed
communities. The Slow Church
approach provides the possibility of the types of communities God wants with
His Church at the center. Bringing
the tree and community images together there must be a rootedness that provides
stability for a community to flourish.
Monasteries and nunneries are used as examples of the importance of stability
as these institutions required a life long commitment. I don’t know how well evangelical
Protestants are moved by such examples.
Chris identifies the problem of western culture with the
terms hypermobility and individualism.
Hypermobility is our ability and willingness to pick up and move from
community to community. His
statistics prove his identifications to be accurate. He uses a line by Ron Swanson a character in the television
show Parks and Recreation (a show I
love) that well states how people use other people and when they are done they
walk out of your life. As a pastor
I have painfully experienced this.
A quote from Dr. Willie James Jenning of Duke Divinity school to prove
this point is filled with so much liberal speak that although I wanted to agree
with it I could not avoid the political agendas underneath it. At this point it would be helpful for
the author to step back and examine each argument by itself. The premise that automobiles make
people more mobile does not necessarily lead to the conclusion that it is the cause
for why people don’t worship near where they live. From my experience there are factors that play a much larger
role. The point that automobiles
and individualism make it easier for people to look for a new church when
conflicts arise is most important.
Working through conflicts overtime builds trust. I like that.
It is a great point to make when Chris says that the
hypermobility is a problem with churches as well as individuals. Churches up and leave communities
because they want to be bigger or more affluent. Such reasons are no less shallow that parishioners who want
different styles of music.
After each writer shares a personal story about their church
experiences the point is made that a long stay allows parishioners, the leaders
and the church body as a whole to get to know the area and thus know its needs
and is peculiarities. The beauty
of this point is that the focus is not just on building up the church but the
community that is around the church.
Thus it is “others” focused.
Abuse of rootedness is when we think we are superior to
those who are new to our community and using position for financial gain and political
power. It is labeled entrenchment
rather than rootedness. To prevent
abuse we are to practice biblical hospitality which places the needs of others before
our own and welcomes the stranger.
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