There is an old saying that goes something like this, “What
was once a man’s conviction becomes his sons habit, which then becoming his
grandsons throwaway.” The point of
the saying is that if a conviction is not passed on as a conviction it will
eventually fade away from a family.
Having grown up within a nominal Roman Catholic heritage I became
familiar with liturgical Christian worship but it was never a conviction of
mine. With your grandparents
having died before they could pass much on to me I was at a disadvantage to
understand why my father chose to convert to Roman Catholicism, the faith in
which my mother was raised. When I
understood and accepted the gospel as an 18 year old I reasoned that since I
did not find a relationship with Jesus in the Roman Catholic Church that I
could find him in Protestant churches.
I have worshipped in charismatic churches, Baptist churches,
Presbyterian churches, Methodist churches and Lutheran churches. None of them were as meaningful to me
and as helpful to me as what is called the “Anglican Way”. The greatest revelation I have had in
experiencing different forms of Christian worship is that followers of Jesus
are not to worship as they prefer but as God would prefer. And God has a preference on how He
would like to be worshipped. Below
is a catechism of sorts that I am passing along to you so that, if you so
choose, what is my conviction would become your conviction. It is a beginning point.
Why do we practice “formal”
(liturgical) worship when we worship corporately?
There are many examples in the Bible of God rejecting
people’s worship. The worship of
Cain and the worship of Eli’s sons first come to mind. That means that God has standards. He first reveals what His standards are
when He calls Israel to corporately worship Him (see Exodus 24). Those standards include the reading of
God’s Word, the people responding in unison and the eating of a meal. The Book of Common Prayer follows those
standards while also using standards practiced in Temple and synagogue worship.
Why do we read formal prayers? Are not extemporaneous prayers more “heart felt”?
Our formal prayers use the wording of Holy Scripture because
we believe it is best to pray God’s Words back to Him for His Words are holy
and infallible and ours are not.
While Book of Common Prayer worship does not forbid extemporaneous
prayers and we are free to add them to our worship, we believe that read
prayers are more theologically careful and can become very heart felt.
Does not stating the same prayers over and over again cause
them to become robotic rather than truly understood and believed?
While it is true that the things we do on a regular basis
are susceptible to becoming so routine that we fail to pay close attention to
what we are saying, we see such a possibility as a heart issue and not caused
by the prayers, chants and recitations themselves. It is the responsibility of every Christian who worships to keep
attentive and focused on what is being prayed, sung or confessed.